Love & Renovations

5 Simple Decluttering Tips & Tricks 

Need a fresh start?

Here are 5 simple tips to help you get started decluttering the chaos in your home! 

When you're decluttering, you'll be more efficient if you pull everything out into one central space, rather than trying to declutter in place. 


touch everything!

It can be tempting to work by room, but it's often more efficient to declutter your home by category instead (all books, all clothing, all toiletries, etc.)


work by category

Don't try to declutter your entire home in one day! Just work for 20-30 minutes at a time over the course of a few weeks, and you'll be amazed at your progress! 


break it into chunks

Sometimes we hold onto things just because we feel like we should. Instead, ask yourself if the object is  serving your and your family. If not, feel no shame in letting it go! 


let go of guilt

Once you get your home decluttered, the key is KEEPING it that way! Set up organization systems that work for you to keep you motivated. 


maintain, maintain, maintain!

Need more help? I've got you covered.

how to have A Tidy{er} Home 

Let me show you how to declutter your home step by step in just 30 days!