
This post contains post about decorating, updating, and otherwise improving your home. Inspiration for how to decorate your home, how to style various places in your home, and sources for gorgeous products and decor for your home.

2021 Home Goals

2021 Home Goals

Can I be really honest for a second? I’m a little nervous to even set goals for 2021. I feel like I shouldn’t do too much talking about how this is going to be such a great year, or how I have so many amazing plans to accomplish so much. I kind of feel like…

2020 in Review

2020 in Review

Whew. What. A. Year. I think we can all agree that 2020 has been a lot more…everything than any of us expected. Despite all of the flaws and stresses of this year, I have plenty of really happy, lovely memories to look back on, and I’m so grateful for the extra time we got to…