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  1. Belva Campbell says:

    I can’t decide between the first and the last house! I like the last house for certain reasons and the first house for certain reasons! I love the cottage look of the first one, it is so cute! I know location is everything and for you that was huge along with other things you said you obviously fell in love with it right away! I’m a sucker for big beautiful trees that shade the house, so that would be a big one on my list. I like the look of the last house, I like the size, the shop is also high on my list so that would be a Yeah! I love the fireplace, I love how bright it is. I’m going to go with house one for you though! Although, the last house is such a strong contender but yeah, house one! Lol, so hard to decide but I play the same game as you and your husband play with House Hunters. I watch it all of the time and I probably get it right 99% of the time too! Lol, it’s a little more difficult when it’s just a few pics and descriptions though. You did a really good job though of explaining and giving pros and cons of each house. Thanks for the tours and playing a little House Hunters with us, it was fun!

  2. I think you picked house #3…….b/c of the shed that would be a workshop for your projects. 😊

  3. Hmm…I am going to guess #3! And if not #3, then #1. #2 is my last-place guess. But they are all super cute. This is so fun! I am waiting with bated breath to find out… 🙂

  4. whoa! you make them all sound so good! I guess the third one – cause uh, a backyard workshop is pretty darn cool!

  5. Well…if it were ‘real’ House Hunters I would pick #1…it is the only empty one (they don’t film until after you’ve closed so it’s always the empty one.) but in this case, I’ll pick..yeah, I still pick #1. you can change anything a house but it’s location and that one was the right location. Looking forward to the ‘reveal’

  6. OMG, I am so nervous now, because I felt pretty sure you picked #1, and then I came on here and saw all these comments saying they thought it was house #3, and now I don’t know!! I THINK it’s #1?! I don’t know?!?!?

  7. Since I already know which one you picked (and I LOVE it!!!) I won’t vote, but I will say y’all had some AMAZING houses to pick from!!! No wonder y’all found one so fast! I can’t wait to hear about the rest of y’all’s house buying process! I hope your’s goes a little smoother than ours did! 🙂

  8. I’m quite convinced you chose house 1! (I’m also horrible at guessing the houses on House Hunters, so my guess is likely worth nothing.) But I’m really, really, convinced. My guess order is: 1, 3, 2.

  9. I vote that yall picked House #3

  10. I cannot for the life of me come up with a comment on this post that doesn’t give away your surprise. I shall refrain.

  11. So many excellent options – no wonder you made your decision so quickly, they’re all fantastic! But if I had to vote for one, I think you went for either #2 or #3. Hmm… final choice: #2! Can’t wait to find out which one is right 🙂

  12. Well, after you described house #1, I thought it was that one, but even the title of house #3 had me convinced after following your blog for awhile. It seemed to be everything both you and Corey wanted!

    Can’t wait to find out!

  13. Love that you did this! I LOVE HGTV 🙂 But it’s a tough choice between 1 and 3 for me.. but I’m going to go with 1?!

  14. I think you went with house number 1! Can’t wait to see what you chose. (Also, I didn’t know that they had already picked/purchased a house by the time they filmed House Hunters! Craziness.)

  15. They’re all so cute!! I think you made the best choice, but I won’t reveal it!!

  16. Mu guess is #3! Though at first I was going to guess #1 since you love yellow. I don’t know! Can’t wait to read your next post 🙂

  17. Hum…..I guess #1

    House #3 actually reminds me a quite a bit of a friend’s first place in Austin 😉

  18. House 3! House 3! I don’t see Corey passing up on that workshop. And that stone face?!?! Ba.Na.Nas. I can’t wait to see which one you guys picked!!!!

  19. I love house hunters!

    I think you went with house #3, I really thought it was going to be #1 but the third one persuaded me.

  20. I think that you went for house #2!! I can’t wait to find out!

  21. The first one! No, the last one! No, the second one!

    I loooove the first and last ones (and the first one is yellow! and adorable!) but the second one definitely has its plusses, too. Excited to hear what you picked and see more pictures… can you do that today, please? kthx. 🙂