Introducing: 30 Days to a Tidy{er} Home

It’s that time of year – I don’t know about you, but as soon as we reach a point where spring feels like it’s getting closer, I’m suddenly incredibly antsy to clean out my entire house.
The spring cleaning urge is no joke.
I’ve talked about decluttering, organizing, and spring cleaning dozens of times over the years, and it’s always one of my favorite topics because there’s just nothing that feels better than a freshly-cleaned-out house.
That’s why it only makes sense that the newest workshop I’m launching for L&R Collective is aaaaall about decluttering!
That’s right – it’s launch day!
I’m so, so beyond excited to be sharing this news with you and I truly hope you’ll love this. I’ve been working hard over the last few months taking everything I’ve learned about decluttering in the last few years and compiling it into this workshop. It’s called 30 Days to a Tidy{er} Home, and it’s your new framework for getting your entire house in order in just a month.
let’s get your home organized
30 Days to a Tidy{er} Home is a 50+ page workbook dedicated to walking you through every single step of getting your home totally decluttered, start to finish. If you’ve wanted to et your house in order but have felt unsure of where to start or overwhelmed at the prospect of even beginning, this is the workshop for you. It includes:
- Detailed daily challenges that will tell you exactly what parts of your home you should work on.
- Tips for how to get things organized once you declutter.
- Ideas for how to maintain the system so your home stays organized.
- Detailed checklists for every part of your home so that as you’re working you can be sure you don’t miss a single thing.
Oh, and a bonus? It also includes access to a private Instagram page, where you can follow along as I declutter my own home, ask questions, stay accountable, and submit your own before and afters (and see other people’s progress too). It’s a great way to stay on track if you’re worried about staying motivated, and it’ll ensure that you can get answers to any questions or issues you have as you work.
Are you in? CLICK HERE to get access to the workshop TODAY and get ready to dive in! The workshop will officially begin on March 1st, and I’ll begin posting daily Instagram stories and posts with extra tips and videos of my own progress. If you don’t sign up until after March 1st, no big deal! All of the Instagram videos will be saved as highlights so you can jump in whenever you’re ready.
This workbook is a (very) expanded version of something I’ve been offering to my email list for quite some time, and it’s been incredibly popular. I’ve had hundreds of people use this basic method with great success, and it’s been the most popular offer I’ve ever had for my email list!
This workshop takes the foundation of what I’ve been offering for a while now and really builds on it, adding in ideas for how to maintain the system, and several tweaks to the order I recommend you work in to really maximize your success.
Plus, the Instagram page is really going to be a hugely helpful tool for anyone who struggles with motivation, feeling frustrated with decluttering, or anyone who has tried to take on this massive project before and haven’t been able to stick with it. I’ll be there every day helping hold you accountable, giving you tips and encouragement, and answering your questions. You can even send me pictures of your progress so I can cheer you on and share with everyone else in the workshop!
I really think this is going to be a huge game-changer for anyone who struggles with clutter in their home, and I’m so excited to be able to do it alongside you.
So, what are you waiting for? CLICK HERE to sign up now, and get ready to get your home decluttered!