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  1. I’m not pregnant, but even still, I love reading birth stories, so thanks for sharing yours! Overall it seemed like everything fell into place and you have such a beautiful story to share. Congrats on your son! And can’t wait to read more about him!

  2. Thank you so much for sharing your story! So interesting and so helpful!

  3. Aw, so glad that you shared your story and it sounds like you weren’t (too) traumatized by it! hah I’m planning a med free birth with a midwife (actually have a blog post drafted but not published… maybe I should do that hah) but I’ll admit I am not at ALL certain I’ll go through with it. Lots of things seem like such a good idea before you’re actually in pain…. hah.

    Also, I totally agree with your last sentence. I am having a pretty easy pregnancy and at 30 weeks I think I’m far less uncomfortable than most at this stage… but I still don’t like it. I know it’s worth it. But those “I looooove being pregnant” people are nuts. 🙂

    1. Yeah, I was definitely not as uncomfortable as I could have been! Honestly my pregnancy was pretty easy overall but I am so incredibly happy to not be pregnant anymore. It’s an amazing feeling haha

  4. I like reading birth stories. Everyone’s is so different. I knew going in that I’d need meds, and I was right. I needed them sooner than I thought I would though.

    I will say, if my doctor had told me “you’re dilated to 10, but we’ll wait 30 minutes to push,” I would’ve flipped. I was dilated to 9.5 and 30 seconds later, I asked the nurse if she was sure because I felt like I really needed to push. They double checked and sure enough it was a 10, so I asked to push. They immediately got the doctor in there and we were ready to go. Which turned out to be a great thing, because less than 10 minutes later, we had a baby.

    1. Wow! Yeah, I didn’t feel any pressure at all, which I assume is why he wanted to wait. When he came in to check me he said “So, are you feeling lots of pressure? Urge to push?” and I said no, and he said “Oh, really? Because you’re a 10…” haha. So, I assume he was trying to give my body a little more time – I never actually ended up feeling an urge to push throughout the whole thing, though, so I guess I’m lucky it only took an hour!

  5. Such a great story! Back labor is the worst…I’m glad you were able to get some relief with that epidural! And Jackson is such a handsome little man…congrats! 🙂

  6. JennyLayneAZ says:

    Congratulations! He is adorable 🙂

  7. I love reading birth stories!! THanks for sharing yours, and congratulations on your lil Monster!! He’s adorable!

  8. This was a great story! (With super cute pictures!) I’m so happy for you guys!

  9. Thanks for sharing! I’m due in July, and have loved following your pregnancy journey and birth story!

  10. I love reading birth stories! This was great to read!

    I also wanted a med free birth, but when they induced me due to Pre-E and put me on bed rest, I decided to do an epi since I couldn’t do the things I was planning to cope with the pain without meds. It was disappointing, but all I cared about was getting baby out! 🙂