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  1. I love this idea. I have created a similar space just for blogging and journaling, or doing development and so far I love it.

    1. Thanks, Layne – It’s been so nice to have a more dedicated area to focus. I’m so glad I did it!

  2. I am so glad you posted this because I’m redoing my home office space, too, and I was literally about to buy a $350 West Elm chair that looks almost EXACTLY like this much less expensive Target chair. Is it comfy? Does it swivel? I’m probably sold regardless. 🙂

    1. Yes! I’ve been obsessed with that West Elm chair for a while, so I was thrilled when I found this one. It is very comfortable – I’ve worked on it for looooong periods of time and haven’t gotten uncomfortable yet. It doesn’t swivel, though. I recommend it wholeheartedly, though – it’s gorgeous, comfortable, and affordable!

  3. I love the little work space you were able to create for yourself. The gold duck especially gave me heart eyes!

    I’ve been thinking of turning our spare room (which currently a big gigantic mess and houses holiday decoration, junk, old toys, etc) into a small office. This gives me a few ideas.

    1. Thank you, Cinny! That gold duck is one of my favorite things in our house! 🙂

  4. Hi Amanda

    Such a lovely set up 🙂

    These days people are loaded with their works and to avoid the office stuff to be all over your house would
    look a bit messy. You have created a small space for your work time in such a organized matter.

    Having a wall calendar and a digital watch adds up the beauty for your work table. You have done in a excellent
    way even if a lot of work load will not set your mood off.

    Good job done 🙂

    Have a good week ahead

    Shantanu sinha

  5. Love it! I really need a dedicated work space, but I do almost everything at our dining room table or while sitting on our bed. I do have a desk in my husband’s office in the basement, but he keeps it a little too messy for my taste and work ability. 😉

    1. Thanks, Erin! Yeah, Corey and I could NEVER share an office space! We’d drive each other nuts!

    2. I just set up a spot to split an office with my husband. He’s a bit messier, too, but I helped him tame some of the chaos and I’m hoping the little oasis on my side of the wall will be enough to make up for it. 🙂