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  1. Wow! These board and card games are a must-have on Christmas to make Christmas much fun for families and friends.

  2. I have two game recommendations!

    1. Dutch Blitz: It’s a card game for up to four people. You can play for as long or short of a time as you want. It’s so inexpensive that we have decks everywhere! In the car, in the camper, upstairs, downstairs, one at grandma’s house–everywhere!! There’s an expansion pack that can get four more people in on the fun! People wait in line to get a turn for this one at our parties!


    2. Tenzi: Once, my family was almost asked to leave a campground because of how rowdy we got playing this!! This one is fun for all ages! Once you play a handful of rounds with the card deck that comes with it, you can start to make up your own rules, tailored to your group’s own level of crazy. So, you might play a round where, you roll all of your dice until you get all 4’s–but between each roll you have to do a burpee. Or you roll until you get: 1,2,3,4,5,5,4,3,2,1–but between each roll, you have to make the sound of a barnyard animal. It also makes many excellent drinking games–if you’re so inclined. It’s a great stocking stuffer. Anyone can play anywhere. Again, we have a set EVERYWHERE. In fact, I played at a funeral lunch yesterday–it’s THAT good!
