The Projects We Have Planned in 2020
Happy new year, friends!
Earlier this week I popped in with a quick recap of our 2019 and all that we accomplished, and now it’s time for my favorite annual tradition of setting some goals for the new year. It’s always a little amusing to look back at this posts over the years because things change so much in a year and things that feel like a priority in January may not be touched come December.
But, we forge on and keep doing them because it’s fun!
I won’t waste any time – let’s hop right to it!
The 4 Big projects we have planned
- Organizing the garage. We desperately want a super organized garage workshop in this house, and we’re trying to be really thoughtful about how we get there. You’ll definitely see this start to come together early in the year, and I’m going to keep my fingers crossed that we make more progress in our garage this year than we did the entire time we lived in our last house! We already kicked things off with an incredible new floor, and if I’m going to get around to any of the other projects on this list, we’re going to need to do some organizing, stat.
- Our master bedroom. In our last house we swore we were going to focus on our master bedroom first, and we got off to a good start but never finished it. This time around, I fully intend to put some solid effort into our master bedroom immediately. In fact, this is the first project I plan on tackling in the new year! We won’t get it all the way complete (because I don’t even know what that means yet!), but we will be adding some picture molding to the entire room, painting the walls, and changing out the rug for something more appropriately sized. I think that’ll go a loooong way!
- Add a fireplace! One of the biggest negatives about this house was the fact that there is no fireplace. We might live in Texas and rarely get cold weather, but we love to snuggle up and watch a movie by the fireplace. We’re planning on adding an electric fireplace to the living room and I’m hoping to get it done in time for next holiday season. It will be a pretty massive job (the living room is two stories tall!) and we haven’t landed on our exact design plan yet, but it’s going to be epic!
- Take one small space from start to finish. Last summer, I involved y’all in helping me make all of the decisions for a space in our house (including what the space was) and I want to do the same thing this year! I’ve already got a few ideas about the spaces I’ll be offering up as options, and I’m excited already. We’ll be focusing on a smaller space this year, and I want to really pour my heart into every detail of it to make every inch amazing. Stay tuned for that this summer!
four small(er) projects we’d like to take on
In addition to the heavy hitters this year, there are a few smaller projects we’re hoping to get done too! Here’s a peek at four that we know for sure we’ll be focusing on.
- Plant some trees in the backyard. Our new (tiny) backyard is totally bare and someday we’ll be making some big changes out there, but we don’t have any design decisions nailed down yet. We want to live here a while before we make any major changes, but I don’t want to waste any time getting a tree or two planted back there so they have as much time as possible to start growing.
- Hang some stuff up! Our walls are so completely bare right now and I’m itching to get some things hung up. I’m picturing a big gallery wall above the couch in our living room and a mirror in the entry to start, and hopefully throughout the course of the year I’ll make some decisions about some of the other walls as well!
- Swap out some lighting. I’ve talked a bit about how we really want to put a lot of focus on the lighting in this house, and I want to make it a priority by changing out a few of the light fixtures around the house this year. At a minimum, I want to swap out the fan in the living room for a pretty chandelier (after we’ve experienced some hot weather and confirm it’s not necessary) and add some better lighting to the dining room. If we get around to it, I’d love to also upgrade some of the boring hallway lights, but I’m not in a rush!
- Get organized! It probably goes without saying, but we are seriously lacking in some organization around our house after the move. The linen closet in my bedroom is a disaster, I can’t find anything in my bathroom vanity, and I basically just close my eyes when I’m walking past the game room. I’m hoping to find some time to really get at least some of the major spaces in our house seriously organized this year, so be on the lookout for some creative organization solutions!
And that’s my vision for the year! Of course, there are always some forks in the road and changes that happen as things come up throughout the year, but I think this is probably a pretty good roadmap of what to expect.
I’m so ready to get started on this house, and if you’re ready to see some projects make sure to stay tuned in the next couple of weeks because our bedroom makeover is happening this month and I couldn’t be more ready!