House Goals + My 2024 Word of the Year
Oh hello there, 2024. I’ve never been a big fan of resolutions for the new year, but I have always loved to set some fresh intentions and think about what I’d like to work towards. The last 5 years or so, I’ve also chosen a word each year. The word represents what I want to seek out more of in the coming year, what I want my goals to center around, and just generally what I want to spend my time working towards.
Last year, my word of the year was joy. I spent a lot of time thinking about the goals I wanted to set around that word and I made a really concerted effort to actively seek out joy all year long. I learned a lot about how to make the most of my word of the year (see more about my process here), so I’m really excited to see what this year brings me.
My 2024 Word of the Year
For 2024, my word is abundance. And I want to be very clear – this isn’t about seeking out more. When I’ve looked for inspiration, quotes, and mantras surrounding this word of the year I’m seeing a lot about chasing more abundance. More money. Things. Success. And that isn’t what it’s about for me.
To me, choosing abundance as my word of the year is an extremely intentional way to remind myself that I already have enough. I often operate out of a scarcity mindset in many aspects of my life. I deal with a lot of anxiety, especially surrounding things like work and finances, and I want to work to shift my perspective. This year, I want to remind myself of the abundance that already exists in my life. And I want to chase an abundance of the things that matter – time with my family, creativity, fun, peace, and, yes, more joy.
To me, abundance means indulging in little pleasures like Trader Joe’s flowers.
What does that look like in a practical sense? Here are a few examples:
- I want to spend intentional time doing the things I love like reading and doing puzzles.
- Gratitude journaling every day!
- Indulging in simple pleasures like listening to more music, lighting more candles, and snuggling up for more movies with the kids.
- At work, I want to focus on the abundance of content I already have! I want to dig back into my archives and spend some time updating and refreshing old posts and projects.
- I also want to have more fun with work this year. I often focus so much on making things feel as close to perfect as possible. It can really stop me from enjoying myself and stifle my creativity.
- More cooking at home, less eating out.
There’s a long list of other things I plan to do this year, but you get the idea. It’s all about focusing on what we have, appreciating our surroundings, and reducing stress and overwhelm.
Because I have an abundance of everything I could possibly need already. I just need to take the time to notice it!
With all that said… let’s talk home goals!
My 2024 Home Goals
I always like to take a few minutes at the beginning of the year to think about some goals for our house. Sometimes I set really specific goals, sometimes I keep it more general.
This year, I’m less interested in writing down the exact things I want to do in our house and more interested in setting some general intentions for our home.
Here’s what I’ve been thinking about:
- I’d like to finish (like for real finish) our upstairs bonus room. See the latest update here!
- There are a few spaces I’d like to refresh or make changes in. You can look forward to some updates in Grant’s room, our upstairs hallway and our bedroom to start.
- I’d like to make a list of those 95% complete projects and knock them out. Things like paint touch ups, sticky drawers, and the like.
- And finally, I’d really love to put some effort into our backyard this year. There are a few projects I’ve really wanted to tackle for the last couple of years and it’s time!
Abundance also means more game nights. This one is fun for the whole family!
And that’s my plan for 2024. As I’m sure you know, the year often has a way of shifting and changing our goals and plans…but I do always love to start out with a little roadmap!
I’d love to know – do you choose a word of the year? What is yours for 2024?