

Fa La La La La

If you’ve been reading for a while, then you’ll know that Corey and I get just a little, ahem, excited about decorating for Christmas. I was looking back at some of our old Christmas posts recently and laughed at how quickly our house went from just a few decorations to complete over-the-top insanity. And we…

It’s Done!

Ahhh – it feels so nice to finally be rid of all of our carpet downstairs. (Please excuse the baby paraphernalia. I live in a house with a 6-month old, so it’s inevitable. My house definitely does not look like a magazine with no baby toys floating around, so there’s no reason to pretend it does!)…

Sleep, Baby, Sleep!

Sleep, Baby, Sleep!

I’ve had several requests for a post about sleep, so I figure it’s about time I get to it. I’ve been avoiding it because we are smack dab in the middle of a big sleep regression (hello, four months!) but I figure I can share what has been working for us so far, and what…