

Deck the Halls

If you were around for Christmas last year, then you’ll probably remember that Corey and I take a very subtle, “less is more” approach to Christmas decorating. …or not. Let’s be honest: I’m not happy if it doesn’t look like Christmas exploded all over my entire house, and there is no such thing as “too…

House Tour: Year Two

I have a hard time believing that it’s time for me to write this post. Corey and I have lived in this home for two whole years, and it’s been a completely fantastic two years. We did a house tour when we bought the house, when we first moved in, and after we had been…

It’s a Media Room!

We still haven’t quite landed on what to call our garage-turned-media-room. For now we’re still referring to it as “the garage,” but that doesn’t feel quite right. Media room sounds too fancy, and nothing else seems to stick. Hopefully we’ll land on something soon, but for now we’ll just keep calling it the garage. So,…

The New Windows!

I can’t believe we’ve had these new windows in for two whole week and I’m just now talking about them. They’re pretty. I want to kiss them. (I do. Sometimes. Shh. Don’t tell anyone.) I explained a while back that we were getting new windows in about half of the house because our old ones…