
This page includes posts about our family. Everything from parenting tips and tricks, ideas for how to spend time with your family, travel recaps and more!

My Running Journey

My Running Journey

Alternate title: How I went from laughing at the idea of running a marathon to running two in six months. Today, we’re gonna take a little deviation from homes and kids and DIY and chat about my running journey. Over the weekend, I ran my second full marathon. I shared a few details about the…

Meet Granger

Meet Granger

Here’s a thing you should know about our family: when we get a new puppy, we always do it on a bit of a whim. It sounds crazy but every time we’ve brought a new dog into our lives, it’s been less premeditated and more “I HAVE to have this puppy I just stumbled on,…

In Loving Memory

In Loving Memory

Over the weekend, we had to say goodbye to our sweet 10-year-old Doberman, Hadley. Hadley came into our lives before we had children. At the time, we had two other dogs and she became the perfect little final piece to their trifecta. The three of them created a little pack that was sweet and full…