Meet Grant
Grant William Hendrix
August 27, 2018, 4:00 AM
8 lb 3oz, 19 in long
Oh goodness, I’m so in love.
Our sweet baby Grant was born last Monday morning after just 6 hours of labor (for reference, my labor with Jackson was 19 hours long!) and has turned our worlds upside down in the most wonderful way. We’re all absolutely smitten and our family finally feels complete.
I’m happy to share more details of his birth if you’re interested (you can read Jackson’s birth story right here) but here’s a favorite little detail of his birthday: with both pregnancies, my doctors moved my due date back at my first ultrasound because they were measuring small. With Jackson, they moved it back 5 days, and with Grant, they moved it back 9 days. Both times, I insisted to everyone I knew that I felt like the original due date was more accurate, and both times I went into labor on the original due date! Jackson was born on his original due date, and I went into labor at 10:00 PM on the night of Grant’s original date (and he was just 4 hours shy of being born on the actual date).
I guess both boys got my obsessive need to be exactly on time for everything.
We’ve been settling into our new routine nicely – Jackson absolutely adores his little brother and reads him a book almost every single night at bedtime. I’m soaking up every second of newborn cuddles (we’re not planning on having another, so I’m taking advantage of every moment) and not stressing about sleep schedules, getting things done, or anything other than sweet family time.
We had some minor worries in the first few days of his life – his bilirubin levels were high due to some facial bruising (which happens when your birth is fast and furious!), and he was just a few ounces away from hitting the dreaded 10% weight loss mark within a few days after his birth. We don’t go back for another weight and bilirubin check until Monday, but he’s been eating like a champ (and was starting to gain again at our last weight check) so we feel good about his chances of being back up to his birth weight soon.
We’re so thankful to all of you who have checked in on us, sent us love and well-wishes, and told us how adorable he is. We’re so excited to begin this new phase of our lives and can’t wait to watch this little dude grow up.
My heart is bursting for you all. Grant is so gorgeous and sweet, I love that soft little newborn stage! My second (and last) just turned 5 months and it seems like it’s happened in a flash! Glad to hear you’re not putting any unnecessary expectations on yourself and are just enjoying it!
Such a sweet time in your life! Enjoy every second! 😘💙💙
Congrats!! I’m always up for a birth story. 🙂