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  1. Hi Amanda!
    I’ve been thinking of giving my home the KonMari makeover, but since I’m working 8ish hours a day, the only time that I have available to take on this challenge is in the evenings and with 2 kids in the house it’s even more complicated. In my case, it would mean to go through the steps whenever I find some time and the whole process would probably take more than 3 months (I’m guessing here..) Is there a recommended maximum amount of time to spend on the steps, in order to prevent me giving up in the middle just because it’s taking too long?
    Also, I noticed that the shoes and jewelry categories are not mentioned in any of the steps. In which category would they be decluttered?

    1. Hi, Luliana! I think that my mini ebook on how to go through the process in just 30 days (spending about 15-30 minutes a day) would be a great fit for you! You can find it right here. Shoes and jewelry are covered within the clothing category!

  2. Many Emergency Departents in hospitals, especially in California, are now mandated to feed and clothe homeless patients (among other things ) before discharging them. As you declutter closets, consider donating to your local ER, even before thrift stores. Just a PSA from a nurse in California. I will be doing this too.

    1. This is great information, thanks for sharing! I’ll definitely look into this!

  3. I am SOOOO ready to do this!! There’s just so much JUNK in my house!! My husband is tired of all the junk too so I hope he’ll be on board with getting rid of it all!

    1. Yay! I’m with you girl, WAY too much junk. I’m so excited to dive back into this – we’re going to have a blast! 🙌🏻