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    1. Thanks for coming over to ask, I hadn’t checked over there in a couple of days! My husband cleared out some shoes in the process of reorganizing our closet, so there are definitely fewer shoes in the after photos! But, had he kept them, we probably would have put the less-used shoes up on the top shelf…it’s completely empty right now!

  1. I love how functional and organized this makes your closet! Our closet is the builder made built-in’s and could definitely be better than it is. I’ll have to check this out! #client

    1. Thanks! We’re pretty happy with it so far!

  2. I love it! I’ve been stuck with a half-finished closet for (seriously self?!?) a year now and its pathetic. I just can’t figure out how to set it up! Maybe I’ll finally figure out what to do with mine.

    1. Girl, I’ve been there. There are an embarrassing amount of half-finished projects at my house at any given time!

  3. One of the things that I love most about your blog is how practical and real the upgrades that you make to your home are! I love the changes you made to your closet, and is someone who has been giving hers the stink eye for quite some time, you’ve given me some great, and seemingly affordable options! 🙂

    1. Cinny, your comment made my day! Thanks so much for your sweet words! We are super happy with the closet so far…Corey even told me today that it’s inspiring him to want to clean his clothes out, so this closet system may just be able to work miracles! 😉

  4. I love how this turned out! It’s so much more efficient and better organized than before. We are also redoing our closets, because one rod and a shelf just aren’t cutting it for us. Way to make great use of the space you have!

    1. Thanks Celeste, we love it too!