What Brought Me Joy in April
Listen. I know it’s a cliche, and I know I say it every single month, but I’m genuinely shocked that May is here already. April absolutely flew by and I’m struggling to accept that it’s over. And, of course, I know it’s only going to get worse from here. May is always one of the busiest months of the year as we ramp up towards summer!
Last month, I shared that I struggled a bit to really slow down and enjoy my days. This month, things felt so much better. I was really intentional about finding joyful moments each day and doing things that I knew would bring some joy. And, it worked! Maybe it’s the spring air and warm weather, maybe it’s all the new plants, or maybe it’s the fact that summer is rapidly approaching. Whatever it is, things are feeling great around here.
Each month, I like to take a minute to specifically acknowledge aaaaall the things that made me happy. It feels great to reflect on what’s working in my efforts to chase a little more joy, and if I can spread some ideas you know I’m all about it! So, here’s April’s recap.
Moments + Memories
- Corey and I had a date to see our favorite local 90’s cover band and it was so great. We sang and danced and stayed up a little too late and just generally had a blast. There’s not much I love more than screaming old NSYNC songs with my husband, you know?!
- We packed in a ton of fun over the 4-day weekend we had at Easter. Took our kids with their besties to see the new Mario Bros movie (SO GOOD!), went to Gattiland for some pizza and video games, and had a roller skating birthday party for my best friend’s daughter. It was so busy but full of so much fun.
- I bought tons of plants this month for our outdoor spaces and, oh my goodness, it felt great. I absolutely loved that it was warm enough to start piling the plants out on the patio, and it makes me so happy to see all the greenery!
- Jackson was in his school’s production of 101 Dalmatians. It was his first ever performance like this and it was so fun to watch him. He loved every second and I haven’t seen him smile that big in a while!
- I ran in the Cap10K (the largest 10K in Texas!) with my bestie, and it was so great. It’s such a fun race full of so much energy and excitement, and I’ve already signed up for next year.
- And finally, Corey was out of town for about 9 days this month helping his dad move across the country. It was hard to have him gone for so long and we all missed him like crazy, but I was really intentional about living it up with the boys. We baked a special weekend breakfast, went to restaurants Corey doesn’t like, watched too many movies, and just generally had a good time. It was fun to be super intentional about making time to just enjoy them and I genuinely enjoyed it.
And, of course, there were lots of play sessions at the park, water balloon fights, play time in the camper, and soccer games. Spring is the actual best.
Books + Media
Here’s everything I read this month:
- Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel – I read this after many of my book club friends said it was even better than the one of hers we read last month. I think they were right! I really, really enjoyed this book, even if it was a bit much to read another pandemic book. Immediately after finishing, I convinced Corey to watch the HBO show with me, and we really enjoyed that, too!
- All Good People Here by Ashley Flowers – This book was fun and quick, but a tad formulaic for me. I enjoyed the story and felt surprised by a few plot points, but overall I felt like I saw most of the “twists” coming from a mile away. It was a pretty easy read, though!
- Wrong Place Wrong Time by Gillian McAllister – This might be my favorite book I’ve read all year. It was so fun and twisty and exciting and it shocked me at every single turn. I begged my best friend to read it the moment I finished and she’s loving it too. 10/10 can’t recommend it enough!
- Candy House by – Jennifer Egan I really wanted to love this book because I’ve heard nothing but the highest praise. But, if I’m being honest, it wasn’t my favorite. I had a hard time keeping up with the different narratives and writing styles, and I felt a little exhausted by constantly trying to figure out how each person was connected to everyone else. It was good, but definitely didn’t meet my expectations.
- Such a Fun Age by Kiley Reid – I loved this book. It explores so many big and tough topics (race, privilege, identity) without feeling heavy. It’s funny and full of surprises and sad and heartwarming all at the same time.
This month, we finished up Poker Face and watched Station Eleven. We really enjoyed both! We also watched Bullet Train one movie night and it was delightful. On my own, I’ve been watching Succession (genuinely one of my favorite shows of ALL TIME), and I’m on my third re-watch of Schitt’s Creek. It’s a classic that I will never ever tire of.
- Corey and I played Pandemic Legacy on most of our game nights – we’re really enjoying the storyline and kind of feel committed to just keep going until we get through the whole thing. It’s so much fun!
- My parents discovered Mexican Train Dominos this month and brought it over to play – I had forgotten how much I adore it! It’s so addictive, and I immediately ordered a set for ourselves. Jackson loves it and even Grant can (kind of) play.
- Another game we busted out a few times was Five Alive. It’s quick and easy, and it’s perfect for a game night when Jackson wants to join in. I’ve considered ordering a couple copies for his class at school, too. It’s great for basic addition practice!
- Jackson’s new bed is bringing everyone in our house joy. He loves being able to spread out a bit, and Corey and I love that it’s so much more comfortable to be able to snuggle up with him. Also, we’re so into the stuffed animal net we got to hold all of his stuffies. They stay so much more organized now.
- My Schitt’s Creek rewatch inspired me to search for a dupe of David’s “Icon” sweater. I found this tee and it makes me so happy. Nothing I love more than a super subtle television reference on a t-shirt. It’s kind of my love language.
- I was desperately in need of some new sunglasses, so I grabbed this set of three. I’m very particular about sunglasses and my number one requirement is that you can’t see my eyes through them. My introverted heart and doesn’t-have-an-inside-voice face really appreciates that feature. Two of the three fit the bill perfectly, and the third is really close. I love them all!
- I discovered that my favorite daily moisturizer (perfect for sensitive skin) has a version with SPF. I immediately ordered it and it’s working really well for me. So glad to not have to also stress to find a sunscreen that works for my difficult skin.
- The dogs are really into stuffed animals but they immediately destroy them without even trying. I grabbed this set of two KONG brand stuffed bears for dogs, and they’re perfect. They can play tug of war with them all day and they don’t fall apart!
- And finally, swimsuit season is almost upon us so I grabbed this bathing suit that I’ve literally been thinking about for a year. I bought it as part of a big try-on last year and I didn’t end up keeping it…and I’ve regretted it ever since! Can’t wait to break it out. The pool opens May 1st!
And that’s April in a nutshell! Wanna catch up on previous months?