The 10 Best Hanging Plants for Your Outdoor Spaces
I have a deep and abiding love for plants, and this time of year it seems to grow even stronger. Despite totally ignoring most of my outdoor plants all winter long, as soon as the weather warms up I get the urge to add all the outdoor plants to my backyard. One of my very favorite ways to spruce up my back patio is with some hanging plants! I’ve had six of these hanging planter baskets for three spring and summer seasons now, so I’ve had a fair amount of time to play around and figure out the best hanging plants for outdoor spaces.
And, of course, today I’m sharing what I know with you! We’ll start with the six plants I chose for my little hanging patio display this year, and then I’ll share a ton of other plants that are perfect for your hanging planters!
What I Planted in Our Hanging Baskets
1. Sweet Potato Vines
These are one of my very favorite plants, and they work so well in a hanging basket! The super bright foliage makes me happy, and I love that you can buy them in both lighter and darker varieties. Or even mixed, like the one I got! They love hot and humid conditions, so they work really well in our area!
2. Petunia
My grandmother always had petunias growing in her backyard every spring and summer, and so they’re a must for my hanging baskets. There are lots of different varieties, some are annuals and some are perennials. I typically purchase annuals because I’m not great remembering to bring things in for the winter! For the best growth, be sure to practice deadheading and trimming throughout the season to keep them looking healthy and beautiful!
3. Strawberries
I’ll admit, we’ve never had much luck with strawberries, but that doesn’t stop me from giving them another shot. They love the sun so they can be placed in a less shady spot. In fact, full sun is ideal – I always place mine on the corner of our back patio to get them the most exposure. And, even if you don’t manage to get any actual fruit from them, the foliage is pretty on its own!
4. Impatiens
These are one of the most common and affordable hanging plants I see at our local nurseries, and their bright blooms always make me smile! They’re pretty simple to take care of and keep some pretty blooms going all season long. They like partial shade and moist soil, so be sure to water regularly.
5. Begonia
Begonias are one of my very favorite flowers! These guys are bright and showy and have the prettiest shape. They love a shadier patio, and are a gorgeous flowering plant. This is the second time I’ve used them in my hanging baskets, and they do really well.
6. Vinca (aka: Perriwinkle)
These little guys make the prettiest, most petite little flowers that make me smile. They love the sun, and they’re fairly drought tolerant. This is the first time I’ve used them, so we’ll see how they do over here!
The Best Outdoor Hanging Plants
Now, here are a few others I’ve used in the past that are a great fit for your back patio! They have a variety of needs when it comes to water and growing conditions, so be sure to do a bit of research before you dive into anything. You want to make sure your setup will work for the plants you choose!
A classic for a hanging basket. There are tons of types with a variety of colors. Ivy Geranium is particularly great for a hanging basket! Make sure to trim regularly for more frequent blooms.
There are tons of different varieties of ivy vines that are great for hanging planters! Swedish Ivy and English Ivy are two I’ve had great luck with.
Spider Plant
These guys are really easy to take care of, and while they’re often seen as an indoor plant, I find they love to be outside. They thrive in bright, indirect sunlight and don’t mind the soil drying out fully in-between waterings. Be sure to pick off the little babies they grow and propagate them – before you know it you’ll have an actual army of spider plants!
A few favorites that are great for hanging plants include String of Pearls (Senecio Rowleyanus), Burro’s Tail (Sedum Morganianum), and String of Dolphins (Senecio Peregrinus)!
Also known as Devil’s Ivy, this is one of my favorite plants. They don’t handle the intense Texas heat well outside once summer hits, but they love some heat and humidity! The leaves cascade down from the pot beautifully, and are generally pretty low-maintenance.
I love this super bright and unique flower (known to attract hummingbirds!). I wasn’t able to keep them alive for very long – they’re a little too needy for me – but they’re so so beautiful!
We have Lantana growing in our front flower bed and it’s a really easy and low-maintenance plant that grows such pretty flowers!
Boston Ferns
Keep them away from direct sunlight, keep their soil moist, and cross your fingers. I’ve never had much luck with ferns but it doesn’t stop me from trying them every year. We’ve got two on our front porch right now!
Also known a a Trailing Petunia, this guy has the prettiest little pink blooms. It will last to the fall until it starts to frost, and there’s no need for deadheading, which makes maintenance a little easier!
Sweet Alyssum
This guy is really heat-resistant and it drought-tolerant plant, which makes it a perfect fit for my area! They like regular sunlight, and can attract both butterflies and bees!
They’re great for spring and fall, but may not do as well in the harsh heat of summer. Trailing Pansies are a relatively new variety, but they’re gorgeous for hanging baskets!
Moss Rose
This is a ground cover plant that has a trailing habit. It’s drought tolerant (my favorite kind of plant!), and it’s great for areas that see a lot of direct sunlight. They like a really well-drained soil, and can handle drying out fully between waterings. Keep it out of reach of kids and pets, though – it can be toxic.
Every year I tell myself maybe I’ll take down my hanging planters and try something fresh in this area, and then every year I circle back to them because they’re just so classic! I love the look and I love playing around with different hanging plants each year!
What are your favorite plants for the front porch or the back patio? Check out the posts I linked below if you need more outdoor plant ideas and inspiration!