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  1. Great job on the kitchen backsplash, but I have to say those cabinets really caught my eye. They look stunning – great choice for the kitchen.

  2. Hi Amanda!
    I am super confident you can make it for the grand ORC finale – everything is looking great so far.
    Since your house is small – have you considered making the banquette do double duty as storage – as to not complicate things on your short timeline: maybe just a frame on the underside of the bench-lid (kind of like this https://www.pinterest.de/pin/545005992386885894/) would work to make it stay in place but still removable
    Sunny greetings from Germany

    1. Hi Jennifer! Thanks! That was actually in our original plans for the banquette, but due to the time constraints, we had to nix it at the last minute. 🙁 Ah well – I’m learning about minimizing my possessions more than ever in this house, which is a great thing!

      1. too bad – I figures the super simply solution to making it happen might help. You are very right though – it would just be another place to maximize on STUFF 😉
        (Though it made me think of Monica hiding the Christmas presents in friends… – maybe you know that one)