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  1. Gorgeous! I also love those pillows! Can you share where they are from?

  2. Hi! These look great! I’m just curious if these shelves can be removed?

    1. Hi! If you screw them into the supporting brackets rather than nail them, then yes, you could easily remove them.

  3. Couldn’t you just use 2×2 I stead of ripping a 2×4? It’s the same width. I am going to build some of these so just wanted to ask

    1. Yes, you can. It’s generally harder to find straight, unwarped 2×2 boards, so it can be easier to rip them down. I just did it this way because it was what I already had on hand, though!

  4. Ballpark for how much this cost? I’m debating between buying “good enough” shelves and making my own, but I know wood can get expensive quickly… (Looks amazing by the way! Great work)

    1. Depends on how many shelves and the size of them, but this wall was less than $150!

  5. Any idea on how much weight these can hold?!

    1. They’re attached to the studs, so they’re incredibly sturdy. I don’t have an exact weight for you, but I haven’t found anything too heavy for them yet!

  6. They look beautiful! Do you have an extra tall ceiling? Lol it looks huge, love it!

    I was wondering how much space you left between the shelves? I have a hard time gauging what to do for my own. Thanks!

  7. marvin shelley - Master Sawdust Maker says:

    Looks great! I made one and messed up, so I had to build a second. Used walnut for top and ends and front. Pine for supports and 1/2″ OSB for the bottom. Made Cedar plugs to cover screw holes. Spar urethane finish.Sold it for $90.
    Now that I know how to do it, gonna build some shorter after Christmas. First was 60″ x 16″ wide, next ones will be 48″ and 36″. Some walnut, some cedar, some hickory and some some cedar, and pine fence pickets – not planed’ smooth Probably make two of each.
    I had no plans is why I messed up.

  8. Great idea to decor wall with these floating shelves. I like it 😉