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  1. I’m with everyone else… I’m totally seeing a grocery list on the inside of the pantry door. I kind of love this, and actually just sent the link to Craig to see what he thinks. Maybe we’ll be getting out own chalkboard door someday. 😉

  2. There’s a wall in one of our bedrooms that I’d love to turn into a chalkboard wall. I think it’s such a fun idea. And I’m guessing you’ve probably seen the pinterest pictures, where they use the chalkboard on their pantry to keep a shopping list. I think that door could be perfect for that!

  3. I love how it looks, especially with the white trim! I don’t think I could do chalkboard paint in my own house — the dust would drive me crazy! — but I love how it looks every time I see someone use it!

  4. LOVE this! I love it for the pantry door because it’s adds the contrast, but is also useful to potentially write down some items that you need to pick up the next time you head to the store.

  5. Great for writing when you have used the last of something so you can remember to put it on your grocery list. Cute.

  6. I love it!! Mike has been begging for a chalkboard in the kitchen, so maybe we could settle on the pantry door instead?? I think it looks great!

  7. I think a chalkboard pantry door is inspired! Menus, shopping lists, totally practical. And I was thinking, as I read, why not leave the trim white? Great minds and all that 😉

  8. I love the chalkboard door! If we owned a house (and one with nice doors) I’d love to do glossy black doors or door “lipstick” like you see on design blogs. Such a fun update! And in our kitchen growing up, we had a corkboard wall. I consider my parents to be major advanced since chalkboard is so popular now… it’s a similar concept, kind of… haha!

  9. this is adorable!! the teacher in me loves the chalkboard paint!