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  1. I’m having the same issue! Too narrow space for any furniture, light switches and I have a lot of strong decoration around on other walls so can’t have it looking too cluttered.

    What did you end up doing with it?

  2. Peg Odenthal says:

    I have Big Blank Wall in out kitchen also that’s directly next to our kitchen table; in one corner I have buffet with lamp, plant & clock that folks up the corner & I love where it is so anything else hung would not look right; I’m going to do faux brick panel wall (& distress it!) so won’t be too busy but will give the room some much-needed texture & warmth (& once it’s put up it’s done!)

  3. These are all such good ideas! A cutting board & basket wall might look nice, and I also love the plate idea. You don’t have to do vintage plates, you could collect quirky newer or older ones, too. One last thought – how expensive would it be to relocate those switches to a less prominent place?

    Looking forward to seeing what you decide!

  4. I’m my house, I’d probably just do three largish pictures/prints/hangings that worked around the light switches (how annoying is the placement of those!). But I’m boring. For you, how about a mural? I could totally see a full-wall half starburst in neutral-ish colors.

    1. Ooh, a mural! Yes!!!

  5. So many great options! My favorites are the butcher paper roll (you could always write “To do” or “groceries” at the top with a stencil if you like your handwriting, then the largest word you see would be fancy and maybe the rest wouldn’t bug you as much?), the slat wall, and the plates (for some reason the plate seem less busy to me than the cutting boards, but I think either could be done right and you’re probably the person to pull that off).