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  1. What size knobs did you use? I have been in a rabbit hole of deciding knobs and pulls or all pulls. Your post finally made me decide to do knobs on uppers and pulls on bottom. I love the size of your knobs.

  2. I’m so glad I’m not the only one who has spent months thinking about which handles I want on our kitchen cabinets haha We just had our kitchen cabinets painted white and I absolutely love them but I feel like there’s even more pressure now to pick the perfect handles because there are so many great options that go with white. I really like the finish of the handles you used so I’m definitely going to look into those! Thank you for the inspiration and the step by step guide!

  3. This is beautiful! Waiting 6 months was so worth it!

  4. Stunning ! So impressed you just jump in and do these things.

  5. Love it!! Looks like it was always meant to be