Re-Painting the Upstairs Hallway
Every once in a while, I make a mistake when choosing paint colors. It’s true. I’m typically pretty thoughtful in planning out what colors to use in our home, but sometimes I get a wild hair and just go for it. And often? I regret it. If I don’t take the time to make sure a color is gonna work for a space, It’s not unusual for me to end up feeling like it’s not a great fit. And, my friends, this is exactly what happened with our upstairs hallway paint.
I absolutely love the board & batten wall treatment that I installed last year, but as we’ve lived with the color, I’m just not feeling it. It was too dark, too jarring, and just too much for this hallway. Thankfully, re-painting a hallway is no big deal. Plus, I had already planned on going back in and painting the trim and doors. Soooo, today is the day!
I’ll admit, I put this off for quite a while because sometimes these things just feel harder than they are. It’s objectively not that big of a deal and only takes a few hours, but sometimes just getting started feels like a lot.
But you know what? I knocked this out in one day and it honestly was fine! I put on a good podcast, had a few snacks, and it was pretty relaxing. Painting always is!
The New Hallway Paint Color
This time around, I went with On Point by Clare. It’s much lighter and feels like a better fit for the space. Also, it was so worth it to take the time to paint the trim and the doors! I knew I wanted to do it pretty much as soon as I finished the paint job the first time, and it was 100% the right decision.
I’m so glad I took the time to knock this out! It really made things feel more cohesive up here, and it feels so good to have it done. The lighter color is much more calming, and it feels like it flows a lot better – especially since most of the rooms off of this hallway have some pretty bold paint colors!
Consider this post your sign to knock out something around your house that’s been bothering you. Repaint that room. Fix the towel rack that fell out of the wall. Replace the drawer slides that keep getting stuck. I promise, it’ll be worth the effort!
I think I can maybe officially say I’ve learned my lesson here. This isn’t the first time I’ve chosen a color on a whim and ended up not loving it, but mayyyybe it’ll be the last? I’m feeling hopeful that I’ve finally learned the lesson that I need to test paint colors before I paint an entire room.
We’ll see. Wish future Amanda luck on this endeavor. She’s often pretty stubborn.
For now, though, let’s just take a second to appreciate this new hallway paint color. I for one am a fan.