My Mother-in-Law’s New Sofa (LINSY HOME Review)
My mother in law recently bought a new home, after several months of living with a friend while she searched for the right home for her. When she left her last house, she got rid of a lot of her furniture, looking for a fresh start. This week, we got her a new RUBIK III Modular Sofa from LINSY HOME, and I’m here to tell you all about it.
Spoiler alert: I’m wildly impressed, and so was everyone else who helped me get it over there!

(This post is sponsored by LINSY HOME)
LINSY HOME Modular Sofa Review
Let’s start off by talking about why this sofa was a great fit for her house. My mother in law lives alone, and her home is the perfect size for an empty-nester! She doesn’t have a ton of space in her living room, but she is really looking forward to having us over for dinner and having the kids spend the night at her house. So, she needed something that doesn’t take up too much space when she’s alone, but can accommodate our wild family when we come over.
We went with the RUBIK III 3-seat sofa with 3 ottomans. The beautiful thing about this sofa is it is so incredibly versatile. You can shove all the ottomans up to the sofa to make it basically one big lounging sofa. Or, you can create a long chaise with a little ottoman coffee table. You could push all three ottomans out to create one long coffee table for snacks (or feet). Or you could completely move two (or all three) ottomans away to create a secondary seating area!
The configurations are basically limitless, which is perfect for her needs.
Our Favorite Features
Aside from the fact that you can set this sofa up about 100 different ways, we were also really impressed with a few other features. Here are the highlights:
- Each piece has storage built right into it. Including the seats! All you have to do is lift up the seat cushion and the support piece underneath, and there’s a compartment for storage. This is great for a smaller house! You could store throw pillows, seasonal decor, or anything else you want in there.
- The fabric is stain-resistant, but it’s also all removable and machine washable! For us, this is vital when choosing a sofa – I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been so grateful we can wash our couch covers. She was thrilled to see this was an option, especially since we went with the white fabric.
- It’s easy to add on. She may not always live in this house (it’s about half an hour from us, and she’d love to be closer someday, if possible). So, if she ever moves to a new home that has more space it’ll be easy for her to grab another piece or two to configure the couch exactly how she wants it.
- The ottomans can attach! This was a surprise to us when we were building it, and I think it’s a huge deal. Often, couches that come with ottomans don’t come with a way to connect them. So, you’re stuck with trying to lounge on an ottoman that keeps sliding away! These come with little connectors that take less than a minute to attach. So, you can easily attach (and re-attach) things however you want. She even specifically requested I mention that it was a breeze for her to connect them all on her own once we left.
Are There Any Cons?
I can genuinely say I didn’t notice a single downside to this sofa setup as we were bringing it into her home and setting it up. It’s comfortable, it’s gorgeous, and it seems really high quality!
That being said, just like any sofa, it might not be for everyone!
A few things to keep in mind:
- The couch itself isn’t super deep. My mother in law loved this, because it means her feet can touch the ground when she’s sitting on it. She’s short (like me!) so that can be hard to find. This can easily be fixed by adding an ottoman if you want to lounge. Just something to keep in mind!
- We all agreed that we wished the ottoman cushions had velcro on them to hold them in place. They sit on top of the ottoman, just like on the seats. It works fine on the seats, since they’ve got arms on each end. But, for the ottoman, it means sometimes the cushion gets slide-y if you aren’t careful. We’re just going to grab some velcro and attach it ourselves – it’s an easy fix!
And, really, those were my only notes!
My mother in law was so incredibly excited to get this new sofa set up in her home, and I was so happy to be able to give it to her! It looks fantastic in her living room. There’s definitely a piece of me that wishes we had kept it for the game room!
I have a feeling we’ll be doing some more projects over there over the next few months as she settles, so stay tuned! I have lots of ideas for this cute little space.