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  1. Did you only use the kit? My bathroom is smaller but the kit doesn’t look like it carries much volume. Thank you

    1. Hi! Back when I did this, they came in gallon containers versus a kit. It took less than 1 gallon of each color for this space.

  2. fatima ahmed says:

    I’ve been looking for a while for tile painting, absolutely loving the idea, and I want to do it in my bathroom and kitchen but wondering if there away to take the paint off when I’m leaving my rent apartment?

  3. Hi, this looks great! Highly considering doing this in my kitchen. I noticed that you did not use a primer. I painted and stenciled my bathroom floors last year but I used several coats of primer first but I did not use this particular paint you used. Is a primer not needed because of the Rustoleum floor paint that was used here? I think omitting the primer would be a big help but at the same time, I would love to make sure my floors will hold up! Thank you for your tutorial!

    1. Correct – this paint is specifically formulated for floors and doesn’t need a primer!

  4. Hi Amanda! I love this project! I also had a question about grey vs. brown, do you think the colour is more accurate to the last photo (grey) or the direct overhead shot of the tile (photo 8, brown)?

    1. Definitely depends on the lighting in your space! That overhead photo was probably taken later in the afternoon with less light. The color definitely reads more gray most of the time.

  5. What kind of rollers did you use?

  6. Hello! What a beautiful bathroom floor transformation! It has now been 2years, how are they holding up (scuffs, scrapes, scratches, or fading etc)?
    Does Rustoleum state the “longevity” of this floor paint’s durability? How long it will last?

    Thank you for the inspiration!

    1. Thank you! The floor held up beautifully over time – this product is made to last for many, many years!

  7. I have this paint on order from Home Depot! I ordered the ultra white base coat and I was going to do a stencil pattern on top of that! Can I use a different paint for the stencil or do you think I need to use the rustoleum brand for that? I also have the rustoleum top coat on Order in the semi gloss which makes me nervous because I dont want it too shiny but they are out of stock in the matte!

    1. I’m sure you could use a different paint, but I’d recommend using the same stuff for best results!

  8. Hello, not sure if you ran into this issue or it’s just me, but does your floor pick up all the dirt from your shoes? We painted our bathroom floor and we noticed when we walk in with our shoes the floor gets dirty with are shoe marks. It’s been very annoying and I’m trying to see how I can fix this issue.

    1. Hi Cristal – I’ve found that any light painted floor is going to show more dirt than plain tile. We never wear shoes inside the house, so that helped for us!

  9. Have you tried Rutstoleum Porch and Floor for the Interior floor? I was told this would work also. I can’t seem to find anyone that carries the Home Interior Floor Paint.

    1. I’ve used it on exterior buildings (like a workshop) but not inside. I’m sure it would work,though!

  10. Linda Wozniak says:

    We have a very small bathroom-floor area only 4 3/4 feet by 5 feet-but it IS our only bathroom. The ceramic tile floor is builder grade and ugly. Can I use the Rustoleum Home floor covering kit even though we can’t go 24 hours after topcoat before using it? Would just walking in socks be okay? Thank you. Linda

    1. I can’t guarantee you won’t have issues if you can’t wait the full 24 hours as I haven’t tried it. However, if it were me I’d give it a shot and just be extra careful!

  11. Hi, Beautiful job, thanks for sharing! I am looking at Windsor gray for my kitchen. In some pics it looks gray, in others it looks brown. On your opinion does it mostly look gray?

    1. Hi! Did you end up using Windsor gray for your kitchen? I had the same question, whether the colour looks more gray or brown!

  12. I’m strongly considering painting the tile in my kitchen, but with two very active large breed dogs and the frequent wearing of work boots (farm life!), I worry about the durability of painted tile. My dogs also seem to have holes in their lips as they tend to walk away from their bowl with a waterfall coming from their mouths. Do you think that with proper prep cleaning and curing time that this will hold up? The ease of cleaning the grout has my attention!!

    1. Hi Katie! Based on my experience with it, I would predict that if it’s prepped and sealed properly, it would hold up great! I don’t have experience myself using it in a high-traffic area, so I can’t say for sure, but I found it to be really durable and easy to clean in my bathroom!

  13. Lidia Nascimento says:

    I have 2 questions. I have appliances coming and wonder if you agree I should wait to paint the floors until after they install them? Also I’m worried that my kitchen is going to be off limits for 24 hours. Did the painting of the second color extend the overall time of the project too much? Thanks so much for this post. Hugs 🤗

    1. Hi Lidia! Actually, it depends – if you’re able to remove the existing appliances so you can easily access all of the floor, that would make it easier and I’d recommend painting first and just protecting the floor when the new ones come in. If that’s not possible, then I’d probably wait.

      The first coat is what takes the longest to dry. Once that one is done, further coats only require a few hours before sealing. So, it shouldn’t change things too much!

  14. Are the white looking tiles in Steam Gray indeed? I look up the rustoleum website. Steam Gray looks more gray than the pictures you shown here. My current bathroom tiles are in green, red and blue. OMG.. right? ha.. so I want to paint them in very light color. I was thinking of Ultra white. But Home Depot does not ship Ultra White, but steam gray color is available to ship. Thanks

    1. Yes! Steam Gray is the lighter color – it’s not a pure white but a really beautiful light gray. It looks much more white next to the other gray, I think!

  15. Hey there!
    We took on a similar project and wondering if you felt your floors could have taken a 3rd coat. We had dark floors as well and painted over with white. Looks like a 3rd coat may help (albeit it looks fine from a far, we only see some of the original dark tile peaking through if looking very closely). Still, considering a 3rd coat but unsure if that would be too much/thick? Would love your thoughts, thanks!

  16. Have you had any issues with scuffing or marks from shoes on the tile ?

    1. No, not at all! We don’t generally wear shoes inside, but on the times we do, it’s never been a problem.

  17. Hi Amanda! Your floors look awesome. I am nervously planning to use this paint in my half bathroom and fireplace tiles. Since your project, how’s it going in the mopping department? Can I use Bona when it comes to cleaning the floor?

  18. Great job! What was the smell like? I’ve used the Rustoleum tub and tile paint before and it was horrible for a few days. I’d love to try this but dont think I can handle it if the fumes are bad.

    1. It’s nothing like the tub and tile paint! It’s just like normal paint. I’ve used that stuff too, and it’s caustic, haha.

  19. Your bathroom looks gorgeous! Floor looks amazing, but I’m intrigued by the ceiling. Is that cedar? I’ve never seen anything like that in a bathroom before. I think I’d like to try something like that when I renovate my bathroom. Thanks for the idea!

  20. One more question… (I’m really considering doing this!)… the previous owners of our home tiled the counter of the bathroom vanity with the same exact floor tiles in the room (whyyyy? ugh!). Do you think this floor tile paint would also work for the floor tiles that are on the counter surface of the vanity? Thank you!

    1. Hi Katie! I would think it would work just fine, yes! I wouldn’t let water sit on it (just like any painted surface), but as long as you take care of it, I’d think it would hold up great!

  21. Is there another product for tile shower walls? We have identical tile on the floor and shower and I’d love to paint them the same color.

  22. Loving this! Did you paint over the grout?

    1. What does is feel like underfoot? Does it still feel like tile or does it have a different texture? What about the grout?

      1. It still feels like tile to me! And I painted right over the grout – it’s much easier to keep it clean now!