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  1. Hi! What is the size of rug in the photo? Thanks!

  2. Deb von Minden says:

    Hi! I am considering Hillared beige for the Upland sofa. Is this the same as yours? Soft? Durable? I have noticed the sofa in this color is a little
    more expensive than the other two beige options. Going for a farmhouse look and worried the
    white option might be too bright.

    1. Hi! I’m not familiar with the new sofas but that is definitely the same color name as ours, so I would imagine it is. It’s held up beautifully, and we love it!

  3. Hi! What size is the rug in the photo? Thanks!

  4. I’ve had my Kivik 5 seater for 8 years. I love it. I bought an extra set of covers so I don’t have to wait for the dirty ones to dry. Couch is like new everytime I out on fresh covers!

  5. Hi. Thank you so much for this review.
    I had a couple of the armless Kivik armchairs some time ago. My two cats pretty much destroyed the cushions, but the bases were in perfect condition when I got rid of them as they no longer fit in my decor. Next, my daughter bought an Uppland loveseat. I loved the more classic lines of the Uppland with the high rounded arms. It was extremely cushiony and soft from the start. My daughter took it with her when she moved and I was left sofa-less for a little while. Couldn’t make up my mind what to get. My friend bought the Kivik sofa to stage her home for sale. She only used it for a couple of months in her new home and decided that she needed to upgrade to a Crate and Barrel sofa bed, so I bought the Kivik from her. I have only had it for a week, and have been a bit concerned because it feels very hard and I don’t have a lot of padding on me so it’s somewhat uncomfortable. I was considering buying a memory foam topper for it, but I though I’d end up with something that resembles a completely flat platform rather than a sofa due to the low profile of the arms. With your review in mind I will wait it out and hope that the cushions soften up. I don’t remember the cushions of my old Kivik armchairs being this hard but it’s been some time and I’m probably not remembering correctly. Thank you so much again for your thorough review. I agree that the fabric on the Kivik sofa is a more attractive than other Ikea sofas – the Uppland, for instance has a weave that looks a bit cheap when looked at up close. The fabric on the Kivik sofa feels and looks more expensive than it is. In fact, it is quite similar to my friend’s C&B which cost thousands more.

  6. Hi thanks for the great and very helpful review. I am going to buy the same one but I am curious to know if the right and left sides are reversible. Is this something you could advise? Thank you.

  7. Tawny Greene says:

    Hello! Thanks for the helpful review. I currently have a karlstad sectional and it’s about 12 years old. I also agree it still seems brand new too! However the back cushions are just not tall enough for me anymore. When I sit down in my older age 🤣 I’d prefer to have somewhere to rest my shoulders back onto. The karlstad hits me mid back so I am always slouching so my shoulders can rest back. Can you tell me if you feel the karlstad has higher back cushions then the karlstad?? Thanks so much!

    1. Hi! I feel like the Kivik is similar is size to the KARSLTAD. We had that one prior to this one and I do feel like you sit a little lower in the KIVIK, so you’re more supported, it does have a similar feel.

  8. Really helpful review, Thank you. I’ve also been comparing between Vimle and Kivik.
    what’s your opinion on the seating height of both? as kivik measurements is a bit lower.

    1. Hi! I don’t have experience with the Vimle so I can’t speak to that, but we find the height of our couch to be very comfortable! We were a little worried about it before purchasing (because we have very tall ceilings), but it hasn’t been an issue at all.

  9. Hi Amanda. Your living room looks great. Do you know if it’s possible to make one long sofa (e.g. make it a 4-5 seater) out of the KiviK without it being a sectional?

  10. Ford Nelson says:

    Hey! what cover do you have on this one?

  11. Have you ever had liquid seep through the cover to the cushion? How do you dry the cushions? We can’t seem to get the liquid off.

  12. Hi Amanda! Great review! I’ve been debating the KIVIK for months and am agonizing over the decision. My biggest concern is quality. I know IKEA is less expensive and I saw a couple of the reviews that said it looked 10 years old after 3 months. But then other reviews are glowing! I guess I’m mostly concerned about sagging cushions and/or fabric because I feel like that dates furniture. We are basically empty nesters (one kid in college and one going in the fall) with one dog who stays on the floor. The other sectionals I’m looking at are $5,000+ and I don’t even care for the look of them as much. How has yours been holding up? Thank you for the helpful info.!!

    1. Hi Kelly!

      We still really love our sofa. I feel like it still looks like it’s practically brand new (and that’s with two small kids and two dogs who DON’T stay on the floor, haha). I would still wholeheartedly recommend it!

  13. Katie Buchenau says:

    Are the couch cushions secured to the couch in any way?

  14. Diane Downs says:

    I’m so glad I found your review, it’s helped us settle on the Kivik which was in our top 3. Now we need to decide on a color! How are you liking the Hillared beige? I was really hoping for white but alas, not an option… I worry that there’s a brown hue to the Hillared Beige, your thoughts? The only other light colored option for the KiviK is the light gray and that’s not the direction I want to go in our living room. We’re considering a custom slip cover but that’s down the road due to costs! Thanks much!

    1. It definitely leans more white, less brown. It has a creamy/tan undertone to it but I would describe our couch as white.

      1. I had this same question! I love the color in your photos, but not as much in the IKEA ones- it looks darker there!

  15. Lisa Riepe says:

    Great review, ty for sharing!

  16. David Loyo says:

    Hello, I am very interested in buying this couch and I also have a dog to consider. How does the couch hold up in terms of dog hair/fur in your experience? Thank you in advance.

    1. It holds up so great! Our dogs are both shedders, and I just vacuum the couch regularly, and I wash the covers about every 8-12 weeks.

  17. Becky Murphy says:

    No questions, I just wanted to agree with you! We used to have the smaller one in white because it was so inexpensive I went for it. That was maybe 5 years ago ( I ended up giving it away to a friend – which I learned was a bad idea because we missed it lol). Fast forward, we were in the market for a new one (new to us or completely new) and Ikea didn’t have the color I wanted (same color you have, I believe). My friend happened to see this couch on FB marketplace, not knowing what it was but liked the color and the price. She showed me and I said omg that’s the Kivik we loved so much. So, this used couch was in great shape only a couple years old and they sold it for only $200 (normally $849), we got the the one with the chaise. Took us 20 min to take it apart and fit it in 2 small vehicles with the doors SHUT! Got home, quickly washed all the covers before putting it back together. Perfect size! We were worried about having enough room for the dog to cuddle in between my daughter and I and she’s got plenty of room. Then the cat found his spot right away. Life is good! 🙂 I just wanted to share since I have the same opinion of the couch!!

  18. Hi! Do you feel like the couch cushions stay in place?

  19. Hi! I am thinking of buying this exact one, with the Skiftebo cover. I cannot find the answer to this question anywhere…can the shorter side of this sectional be placed on either side of the longer side IE- can this be a right facing OR left facing couch? Thanks in advance for your help!

    1. Yes it can indeed when I purchased mine that’s what I asked the ikea employee and said yes.

  20. HI there – this was great! Thanks for the pictures. Is the Kivik modular, i.e. you can choose which side will be long and which side will be the short side? It looks like it is…. We still have a Karlstad 2×3/3×2 from 10+ years ago and that was one option we love about it. We can modify based on our room size.

    1. Hi! I don’t believe you can change it up – I believe the way it’s pictured on their site is how it has to be configured.

  21. Thank you for this awesome review!! What color are your walls? We have neutral/beige color walls and I’m worried about the couch blending in too much!

  22. Thanks for the review! We just bought Kivik sectional in the same color. Hope we like it as much as you do! Can you please tell me where you got the rug in these pictures?

  23. hi we have a kivik and we are not too fond of the color. What is the color for the kivik that you have?

  24. Since the couch is not deep like you stated, are you not able to snuggle/cuddle on it at all even on the chaise portion?

    I have loved the idea of that couch for a while, but our current sectional is super cuddle friendly on the chaise portion (once you remove the side pillows), and my hubby and I aren’t willing to give up being able to cuddle haha

    1. We don’t have any issues snuggling up on it! We don’t fully lay side-by-side but in the corner it’s really easy to get cozy.

  25. Hi! I was wondering if the armrests have to be on? We love the kivik but only want an armrest on one side… Can you tell if there was one without (holes/metal)?


      1. Hi and thanks for the great review. For Helen’s question, I don’t think that you can have the classic 2- or 3-seater without armrest, since there would be a difference in height (the main body of the sofa has no plastic feet underneath).
        My question: I have a 3-seater sofa and think of adding a chaise next to it. Due to lack of space I was wondering if I could do that without having the armrest on the side that the chaise will be attached.
        Thank you,

        1. I have a Kivik with chaise and do not have the arm on the side with the chaise – since the chaise can stand alone/has its own feet, it works.

  26. I love your review thank you!!!
    Also where is the brown chair from in your living room???

      1. Roxy Grove says:

        Are you happy with your chairs from Article? The whole room is gorgeous!